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Cold Laser Lipo by Strawberry, is a revolutionary medical device for spot laser fat reduction; the treatment of cellulite and for skin tightening on both men and women. 

The Fat-Melting Laser system is a safe, painless, non-invasive and fast treatment for body contouring.

Strawberry Laser Lipo Treatment Overview

Treatments take between 20 and 40 minutes and cause no discomfort, pain, swelling or bruising. Our standard programs consist of two weekly, 30 minute treatments for 4 weeks. Our treatments are for both men and women that wish to look their best and do not wish to endure the costs and risks of cosmetic surgery.

Strawberry Laser LipoWe personally recommend that you train on a powerplate after your treatment, or conduct some cardiovascular exercise. We will work out a personal combination of diet and exercise plan with you.

For additional information regarding the treatment, please see www.strawberrylaserlondon.com

Other treatments of interest

Strawberry Laser Lipo FAQS

What does the treatment involve?

It's a simple 7-step process which can reduce inches off target areas:

  • Complete a consultation form/medical questionnaire; target areas are measured.
  • Up to 60 diode laser paddles are attached to a strap and placed on the fatty areas. (10 paddles)
  • Two smaller Probe lasers are placed over lymphatic glands and held in place by underwear.
  • The Laser Lipo will then be switched on for 10 minutes and then relocated to another area if required.
  • The treated area will be measured to assess inch loss achieved and depending on the client, results are expected to be between 0.5 and 3 inches.
  • Follow our recommended Diet/Nutrition and exercise plan for better results.

How does it laser lipo work?

The breaking down of the fat cells starts when the laser penetrates the skin and makes contact with the fat cells. Pores form on the cells causing them to 'sweat'. The water, Glycerol and free fatty acids emerge from the cells and then occupy the space beneath the fatty layer in the skin. The fat cell is therefore reduced in size.

The fat cells reduce in size and the lymphatic system then removes the fatty liquids through the venous system, where they are processed in the same way as fatty foods that are digested. Not only is the procedure quick, safe and pain-free, it is also healthy.

Strawberry Laser Lipo Before and After

What about after care?

Clients are encouraged to follow a sensible health and exercise routine. The procedure does not harm the body in any way and will still maintain its ability to store fat in the areas where the work has been carried out. This is an important health factor as it prevents the fat being stored in different parts such as around the heart or other vital organs. If clients eat sensibly and regularly, combined with exercise, the body shape will retain the effects of the treatment.

How long before the patient can return to normal activities?

Most people return to their regular activities immediately following the Strawberry laser lipo procedure. Some people experience mild redness, but it usually disappears quickly. No special care is needed after treatment.

What areas can be treated?

Strawberry Laser Lipo Machine

  • Stomach
  • Facial cheeks
  • Double chin(s)
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Upper Back Fat
  • Lower Back Fat
  • Arms (under biceps)
  • Baby bulge
  • Above knee areas
  • Ankles
  • Male breasts


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