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Ageing is inevitable. As we age we lose volume due to the breakdown of the facial support structure, collagen and elastin. 

The shape of our face changes, cheeks become hollow, lips thinner and naso-labial folds (creases from nose to lips) give one a tired, worn look.

Dermal Fillers Treatment Overview

Smoothing out the folds and wrinkles or enhancing your lips with dermal filler injections can make an enormous difference to one's appearance. Adore Me Medspa provide this treatment at our clinic in Kensington, London and our clinic is conveniently located close to Chelsea, Notting Hill and Knightsbridge.

Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, such as Restylane and Juvederm Ultra are made of crystal clear gel which resembles that which occurs naturally in the body. This gel holds water, hydrating and giving volume, leaving your face with a natural expression. The filler is non-permanent and is absorbed naturally over time.

Lip enhancements in Kensington, Chelsea and Knightsbridge

Dermal filler injections are commonly used on nose to mouth lines, mouth corners, lips, vertical lines on upper lip, cheek lines, frown lines between eyebrows and under the eyes.

Dermal Fillers FAQS

What is Restylane?

If you are considering a wrinkle or facial fold correction treatment, Restylane® might be your choice. The recovery time is minimal and the results are immediate.

Restylane® is a cosmetic dermal (skin) filler composed of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that already exists in the human body. Hyaluronic acid and collagen are the "ground substance" that makes up a major part of the packing substance of the body's tissues. It is found in muscle, cornea, skin etc.

What is Juvederm?

Juvederm® is an injectable gel used to restore skin's volume and smooth away facial wrinkles and folds such as smile lines, mouth and nose lines. There are two types of Juvederm: Juvederm Ultra, which may be used to correct moderate wrinkles on the face and add fullness to the lips, or Juvederm Ultra Plus which has a denser formulation which is used to improve the appearance of deeper wrinkles.

How long will the results of dermal fillers last?

The lasting effects depend on the type of dermal filler used and the structure of your skin. Other factors such as lifestyle (smoking and exposure to sun can shorten the effect); age and the degree of perfection demanded will also influence the life of the filler. The average durability of dermal fillers is 9 - 18 months.

Is there any permanent benefit of dermal filler treatment?

Collagen fillers have one additional advantage in that they encourage the integration of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are cells which produce new collagen within the implant thus there is always some degree of permanent benefit after the implant is absorbed.

How do I know which type of dermal filler is right for me?

During consultation with the doctor your expectations of the cosmetic effect will be discussed and the correct product identified e.g. dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid or Collagen, fillers with a small particle used for fine lines or larger particles for deeper wrinkles, folds and lips.

Are there any side-effects from dermal filler injections?

Some injection-related reactions can occur, such as bruising, redness, swelling and tenderness at the injection site but clear after a day or two. A return to daily routine after treatment is normal.

Dermal Fillers Price List

Treatment Price Notes
Restylane 1ml £375  
Juvederm Ultra Grade 2/3 £375  
Juvederm Ultra Grade 4 £425


Perlane 1ml £425  

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